Thursday, November 24, 2016


九月改了兩次 十月改了一次 十一月又改了這一次

後來經營重點幾乎移轉到WP部落格,那時畢竟不太會挖教學文、也沒啥設計天份,用Frontpage架個站太耗時但成果不佳;接著又出現像是weebly這樣的架站平台,輕鬆使用拖拉方式就能直覺架好個站,從頭到尾免費,懶得極端點可在一晚之間就把個站架出來;現今一些常見的lightbox圖片瀏覽、nav bar的drop down動畫、靠自己安裝很麻煩、還得要懂一點css和java,但大部份的架站平台都已經自帶這些元件了。於是乎我留著部落格,個站則搬到了weebly上頭。



Thursday, October 6, 2016



A. 本家改版


  • 讓中英文雙語並列,懂中文懂英文的人都能逛我的網站。
  • 該有的說明都給它寫上去。
  • 重整分頁的分類法,才不會找說明的時候不知道去哪一頁找。
  • 除了歷史更新記錄以外,重要的更新(或消息)讓它一直置頂。
  • 重整連絡方式,把訪客留言匯到同一個留言系統裡,這樣我每天只需要開一個留言系統+信箱來回覆訪客留言,不然要兼顧每個分站(噗浪、湯不熱、微博...etc)實在很崩潰。

Monday, August 22, 2016

How to order on Seemoon

2018/5/13 updated:
My fanbooks are already available for international shipping! If you are living outside Taiwan, a PayPal account is required for purchasing on Seemoon.

Sunday, August 21, 2016

Tutorial of ordering my fanbook outside Taiwan

Even if you're not living in Taiwan, now you can still order my fanbooks & accessories online! In LAZYYY store!

Actually my books are already available for worldwide shipping through online stores such as LAZYYY and Seemoon, but these stores are founded in Taiwan and most pages are written in Traditional Chinese. I have been asked "how can I buy your books if I don't live in Asia?" for years, and mostly my answer is to write a request letter to service staff of the stores I consigned. Recently the staff of LAZYYY told me they're welcoming overseas orders. Now they accepted credit card as payment method. And most Q&A are written in Chinese/ English / Japanese now. LAZYYY store now seems almost English-friendly.

LAZYYY is a doujin shop and also an online shopping platform, same as most of my consigned shops listed in my website: Home-->Doujin Shop & Print Store-->#SHIPPING INFO#. If you're familiar with some famous Japanese doujin shops, like K-books or Toranoana(とらのあな), they are also the same kind of shops, mostly dedicating on selling fanbooks(doujinshi).

Please notice that those artists create and publish merchandise by themselves. These shops are only consigned for helping artists selling merchandise. They are not responsible for merchandise publishing, quality and content.

I made a small testing, pretending I'm incapable of reading Chinese and try to place an order. There are still some Chinese only pages which may confuse many customers. Overall, the process is easy and convenient. If you have a credit card, just apply for a LAZYYY membership account and you're ready to go.

LAZYYY shopping platform
LAZYYY official Q&A 

If you're only interested in buying my merchandise, you can check this link:
OFF RECORD on LAZYYY shopping platform
If the merchandise shows red texts "缺貨", it means the merchandise is sold out. It could be available again once it's been replenished.
You can check the details of all my merchandise in my website:

If the merchandise is not shown in those two pages, it means it won't be replenished in shops again.

If you can only pay through Paypal, Seemoon is the recommended platform. Please check another tutorial here: Tutorial of purchase my fanbooks outside Taiwan (PayPal)

Sunday, July 10, 2016


7/11 edit: 經過噗友指正!修改了頭盔男和雲梯車那一段的看法。


